Be Antiracist.
Check out these resources to be a part of creating racial equity. Let’s all keep learning and doing our part.
The Great Unlearn by Rachel Cargle
Unlearn racism. Rachel Cargle’s 30-day program is designed to be an eye-opener and a call to action for those who seek to be allies to Black women.
Embrace Race
EmbraceRace was founded in early 2016 by two parents who set out to create the community and gather the resources they need to meet the challenges faced by those raising children in a world where race matters.
African American History
An online, free course from Rutgers President, Jonathan Holloway. The purpose of this course is to examine the African American experience in the United States from 1863 to the present.
Center for Antiracist Research
Ibram X Kendi's Center for Antiracist Research represents a collaborative research and education effort across multiple disciplines to build a world where racial equity and social justice prevail.
Check Your Privilege
Check Your Privilege (CYP) is a global movement founded by educator, Myisha T Hill, that supports individuals on their journey of becoming actively liberated from systems of oppression (racism, ableism, sexism, etc.)
Taylor Rae Almonte-Roman
Taylor Rae Almonte-Roman is a Brooklyn-based Afro-Latina actor, athlete & activist. Her work meets at the intersection of racial justice and wellness. Sign up for the weekly newsletter on racial justice